The Westlands School recognises that many of our pupils, staff and visitors have individual needs when using the school site and facilities. We also recognise that for some pupils, the nature of their disabilities may mean that they experience specific challenges related to accessing education and the environment. As part of our on-going commitment to the delivery of an inclusive education we will endeavour to ensure that disabled pupils receive the same standards of education as their non-disabled peers.

The Inclusion Department

The Inclusion Department co-ordinates the provision across the school for pupils who have identified special educational needs. A range of intervention strategies are used which are personalised to the needs of individual students. Not all pupils with special educational needs are taught within the inclusion unit or in one of our specialist resource units; pupils access the class best suited to their level of achievement.

A range of special educational needs are provided for and reasonable adjustments are made where appropriate.

Pupils' needs are addressed on an individual basis so that appropriate provision can be identified and resourced. A list of some of the support currently available is listed below:

  • Differentiated curriculum
  • Small group work
  • Literacy and numeracy intervention programmes including; Lexia, StarSpell, Word Shark, touch typing and Number Shark
  • Intensive reading intervention
  • Equipment support
  • Shared and individual teaching assistant support in some classes
  • Additional pastoral support at break and lunch time
  • Homework support
  • Calm zone during unstructured time

The collection of transition data from primary schools, liaison with primary school’s SENCOs’ and parents is co-ordinated by the inclusion department.  Pupils in year 6 who may need support upon transition are identified. 

Parents of pupils with identified special educational needs are also invited to discuss their child’s progress at the year group parents’ evening. Parents who wish to discuss their child’s special educational needs should contact the SENCO or Inclusion Leader.

In year 7, two groups are taught within the inclusion unit for their literacy based subjects thus supporting pupils who have entered secondary school significantly below national expectations.

In year 8 one group continues to be taught within the inclusion unit; providing additional literacy intervention for a further year. Pupils are taught by staff experienced in working with children with additional needs and are supported by specialist teaching assistants. During the first term the parents of pupils taught within the inclusion unit are invited in to meet staff and see the type of work their child is doing.

The inclusion unit also provide homework clubs, supported by teaching assistants, at lunchtime and after school. The inclusion unit provides a quiet space for those vulnerable pupils who sometimes find the playground ‘busy’ at break and lunchtime. Older pupils can be given priority access to the school library.

Additional pastoral support includes the employment of eleven Pastoral Support Managers working across the school to include the sixth form. They provide a range of emotional and social support for pupils. They work within specific communities and liaise with the Inclusion Leader. 

The Inclusion Leader and SENCO liaise with outside agencies to include health and social care as necessary and appropriate. The Inclusion Support Assistant liaises with Looked After Children agencies.


The Pyramid Centre Specialist Resourced Units

These units cater for pupils with a high level of SEND, who have an EHCP. Admission to the units are managed by the local authority. The referral pathway is through the LA, no pupil can be admitted without the prior agreement of KCC. Further details can be found in our admissions policy. Pupils who are attached to these units are taught in the mainstream school.

Our purpose built centre includes the Dyslexia Provision and Physical Disability Unit. It has three classrooms and a specially fitted Physical Disability suite. Some specialised teaching is undertaken here to meet the needs of those pupils with dyslexia who have been allocated a formal placement by the local authority.

Pupils who have been allocated a formal placement by the local authority to our Physical Disability suite can use the suite to undertake regular physiotherapy, rest when needed and have their primary care needs taken care of by our professional and caring staff. Equally, their academic needs can also be supported within the classroom by teaching assistants.

Unit leaders liaise with all outside agencies and parents of pupils who have places within these units.

This document should be read in conjunction with the school's admission policy and SEND information report and SEND policy. 


Admissions for pupils with an EHCP

Pupils with an EHCP will only be admitted to the school through consultation with the Local Authority. Parents of pupils with an EHCP who are interested in attending Westlands are welcome to contact the SEND team to find out details specific to the needs of their child. We encourage all parents to then contact their placement officer to request a consultation be made. 


Useful Links for parents

The county offer can be found here:  Kent SEND Information Hub 

A link to the Kent Strategy information: Kent Strategy 

Information about teaching standards: Mainstream Core Standards for Parents  

Contact Westlands SEND

SENCOMrs J Graves
Deputy SENCO: Mr R Beer
Deputy SENCOMrs R Maturin

Deputy SENCO: Mrs E McIntyre

Deputy SENCO: Mrs N Lock



Policies and Documentation