Futures Day 2021
On the 10th of December 2021, we held a Y11 Futures Day when the students experienced what it would be like to be in Sixth Form, college or within an apprenticeship.
Public Services Construction - Sheppey College
PublicServicesConstruction-SheppeyCollege1).JPG10Public Services Construction - Sheppey CollegeJobs within the Civil Service - DWP
JobswithintheCivilService-DWP.JPG9Jobs within the Civil Service - DWPHow to apply for apprenticeships - ASK Programme
Howtoapplyforapprenticeships-ASKProgramme.JPG8How to apply for apprenticeships - ASK ProgrammeHGV Logistics - Nicholls
HGVLogistics-Nicholls.JPG7HGV Logistics - NichollsChild care Beauty - Sheppey College
ChildcareBeauty-SheppeyCollege.JPG6Child care Beauty - Sheppey CollegeBusiness and IT - Sheppey College
BusinessandIT-SheppeyCollege.JPG5Business and IT - Sheppey College