Year 7 Catch Up Funding

Summary Information

Westlands Secondary School

Acaemic Year 2019-2020 Total Year 7 Catch Up Fund Budget £33,797
Number Of Pupils 360 Number of pupils eligible for Catch Up 141


Prior Attainment

Number of pupils in year 7 who have attained the National Standards for KS2 English, Maths and both:

English 243
Maths 272
Both 219


In-school barriers to be addressed

We need to recognise that not all students sat the KS2 SATs examinations and there will also be cases of students in Year 7, who have not made the National Standard and we do not directly receive funding for these students from this fund.

Those pupils who have not made National Standard in English/Maths or both will be required to pass a number of GCSEs and we need to ensure the ‘gaps’ from KS2 are filled through the explicit teaching of Literacy to the Year 7 B Block group.

Literacy skills entering Year 7 are lower for pupils eligible for PP than other pupils, preventing them from making good progress.

External barriers that require action outside school (such as poor attendance)

Attendance for students who do not make expected progress is generally lower than expected. The Lead SENCO and Deputy SENCO in conjunction with the attendance office  monitors the attendance of all pupils in the B Block classes and those with identified SEN needs on a weekly basis so we can address any issues which may occur.